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  1. Thanks Tulip! Exemption request was submitted yesterday with the visa application number tied to it, so hopefully that will do the trick.
  2. Thanks! So apply for the exemption after the visa application is submitted, but before the visa is granted. She won’t be travelling before the rules change on the 22nd, but we were a bit concerned the failure to apply for the exemption was holding up the visa being granted.
  3. Hi everyone My British mother-in-law applied for a 651 e-visitor visa a week ago, but no grant yet. Does she also need to submit a travel exemption request in order for the visa to be granted? Or even if not strictly necessary as a condition of the grant, would it speed things up? (We thought you apply for the exemption *after* the visa is granted.) thanks!
  4. Hi @tracy8099 - thanks for updating this! just to add to the table in case it's of use to anyone else: we got our subclass 100 visa around the 17th Jan, our case officer's first initial was L and we applied without an agent.
  5. If the nominated skilled occupation is that of a solicitor (who is qualified to be admitted to practise in Australia), I would expect the "closely related skilled occupation" outside of Australia to mean working a solicitor who is qualified and admitted as a solicitor in the relevant foreign country. I'd be surprised if the two years spent working as a trainee solicitor would count towards points, but that's just a gut feeling... I guess there's one way to find out and that's apply to the assessing authority?
  6. Hi all - one more visa grant for today! We received the permanent 100 visa today after just over 6.5 months (applied on 21st June). No requests for additional info / documents from our case officer. We'd been in a de facto relationship (living together) for over three years at the time of applying, hence the 100 visa. In case anyone is interested, the medical was uploaded last week and police check uploaded yesterday. Hope those of you waiting get grant notices soon!
  7. I don't disagree, all I would add is if the person making the statement is outside Oz and isn't a citizen or PR (and therefore the document doesn't constitute an Australian stat dec), I wouldn't muddy the waters by asking that person to fill in a form 888. It doesn't add anything and if anything it then leaves the case officer trying to work out if it's meant to be an Aussie stat dec or not. I'd be keen to make things as clear as possible for the case officer, not make things confusing for them.
  8. Have you downloaded from the Dept. Of Immigration website the partner visa booklet? If not, get that - it answers your question on pages 28-30 of it. Basically if the person writing the supporting statement is (i) not an Australian citizen/PR and (ii) is outside Australia, then you need to get them to write a statement and have it witnessed in accordance with the legal practices of the country in which they are writing the statement, e.g. For England, have it witnessed by a solicitor (who signs, dates it and states their names, address and occupation). As it won't be an Australian Statutory Declaration, don't use Form 888 (it won't add anything to do so), but no harm in setting out the statement in the same way as the Form 888 does, I.e. Answer the same questions / sections as are on Form 888. Hope that helps.
  9. Just an update on my first question in case anyone else was in the same boat - we received an email a couple of days ago confirming a case officer was dealing with the application, so worrying over (for now!).
  10. Hi there, two quick questions that I wondered if anyone has had similar experience of: first is that we've not heard from a case officer despite submitting my husband's (offshore) partner visa online on 21st June (to the London High Commission). We received a standard email the next day confirming the application was received and payment was taken, but no mention of a case officer. How long does it usually take to hear from a case officer? second question is on the sponsor's form - we completed it online, rather than scanning and uploading a PDF of the paper form we originally completed. The form is still showing though on the list of possible documents we could still upload. Just a bit worried I'm expected to still upload the scan, despite already having completed the online form... Thanks for any advice!
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